Module on “Yapana Basti: Potential of Panchakarma” by- Dr. Rajkala Panchakshari Patil


Yapana Basti: Potential of Panchakarma

Dr.Rajkala Panchakshari Patil


Definition of Yapana Basti

  • AÉrÉÑwÉÉå rÉÉmÉlÉÇ SÏbÉïMüÉsÉÉlÉÑuÉiÉïlÉÇ  MÑüuÉïliÉÏÌiÉ rÉÉmÉlÉÉ oÉxiÉrÉ: | cÉ¢ümÉÉÍhÉ (cÉ.ÍxÉ.12/16)  

The Vastis which maintain the lifespan for a longer period’ is called Yapana basti.

  • rÉÉmÉrÉliÉÏÌiÉ xÉÉqrÉålÉÉuÉxjÉÉmÉrÉÎliÉ | cÉ¢ümÉÉÍhÉ [cÉ.ÌuÉ.1/4] 

 Chakrapani has described Yapana as to preserve in Equilibrium 

Sushruta’s view

तस्य विकल्पो माधुतैलिकः तस्य पर्याय शब्दो यापनो युक्तरथ सिद्धबस्तिरिति।

(सु. चि. ३८/११४)

Paryaya is in terms of their action, not ingredients.


Classical indications of yapana basti

  • Swastha
  • Athura
  • Vrudda
  • Ativyāvāya shilinām. 
  • Nārināmāprajathanām.
  • Sarvarogaprashamanārta.
  • Shukramāmsabalapradārta.

इत्येते बस्तयः स्नेहाश्चोक्ता यापनसञ्ज्ञिताः|

स्वस्थानामातुराणां च वृद्धानां चाविरोधिनाः||२०||

अतिव्यवायशीलानां शुक्रमांसबलप्रदाः|

सर्वरोगप्रशमनाः सर्वेष्वृतुषु यौगिकाः||२१||

नारीणामप्रजातानां नराणां चाप्यपत्यदाः|

उभयार्थकरा दृष्टाः स्नेहबस्तिनिरूहयोः||२२|| Cha.Si.12/20-22

Varjya bhavas during yapana Contra-indications during Yapana Basti: 

Vyāyāma ,Maithuna, Madhya, shishirāmbu sevana,sambhojana, rathakshobha.

व्यायामो मैथुनं मद्यं मधूनि शिशिराम्बु च|

सम्भोजनं रथक्षोभो बस्तिष्वेतेषु गर्हितम्||२३|| Cha.Si.12/23

Complications of excessive yapana basti intake

According to the ancient texts, the cessation of yapana basti is recommended once normalcy has been restored. Yapana basti is primarily a nourishing (brimhana) procedure, and if it is continued beyond the point of achieving normal health, it may lead to the emergence of the following complications, which are primarily attributed to an aggravation of Kapha dosha:


  1. Edema (Shopha)
  2. Impaired Digestion (Agninaasha)
  3. Anemia (Paandu)
  4. Abdominal Pain (Shoola)
  5. Hemorrhoids (Arsha)
  6. Anal Fissures (Parikartika)
  7. Fever (Jwara)
  8. Diarrhea (Atisaara)


Among the complications mentioned above, conditions such as edema (Shopha), impaired digestion (Agninaasha), anemia (Paandu), and abdominal pain (Shoola) should be addressed through deepana pachana measures, which aim to enhance digestive fire and balance the doshas. On the other hand, issues like hemorrhoids (Arsha) and the rest require specific treatments tailored to the particular ailment (vyadipratyaneeka chikitsa).


स्युर्ज्वरश्चातिसारश्च यापनात्यर्थसेवनात्|३१| Cha.Si 12/30-31

Management of Complications:

अरिष्टक्षीरसीध्वाद्या तत्रेष्टा दीपनी क्रिया||३१||

युक्त्या तस्मान्निषेवेत यापनान्न प्रसङ्गतः| Cha.Si.12/31


  • Special qualities of yapana basti :
  • rÉÉmÉlÉÉ¶É oÉxiÉrÉ: xÉuÉïMüÉsÉÇ SårÉÉ:  (cÉ.ÍxÉ.12/16)  

 Acharya Caraka stipulated that Yapana basti can be administered consistently without regard to time or season (regardless of kala or ritu).

  1. Yapana basti fulfills a dual role, serving as both a Niruha and Sneha basti, earning it the designation of “ubhayaartakari.” This means it functions both as a purifying (shodhana) and calming (shamana) treatment.
  2. It is elucidated as possessing properties of both nourishment (Brimhana) and fat-reducing (Medohara) effects, making it distinct from being exclusively either a fattening or slimming therapy.
  3. Yapana bastis are versatile and can be administered in all seasons, catering to both diseased and healthy individuals, thereby mitigating a wide array of ailments while enhancing vitality.
  4. It enhances digestive fire (Agni) and alleviates digestive obstructions (vibhandha). It promptly boosts strength and acts as a rejuvenative therapy (Rasāyana).
  5. Yapana Basti is known for its excellent safety profile and does not induce adverse effects.
  6. It exhibits a broad range of therapeutic applications and demonstrates remarkable effectiveness.
  7. Yapana basti is also recommended for the augmentation of shukra (reproductive tissue) and mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue).
  8. Yapana basti falls under the category of pādahina basti, specifically referred to as Nava prasruta matra basti.
  9. Yapana basti is considered safe even for shorter durations (alpa kala), particularly when formulated with mild ingredients, adhering to gentle drug proportions, and minimal volume (pādahina pramana) of basti dravya.


Clinical Indications

Degenerative Osteoarthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis 

Convulsions- (non focal)

Multiple sclerosis


Gynaecological indications 

Normal menopause

Premature ovarian failure- LH,FSH ↑,Estradiol↓, Atrophic Ovary in biopsy

Thyrotoxicosis –TSH ↓, FT4,FT3 ↑

Polycystic ovarian disease- after shodhana to normalize sex hormone

Primary Infertility – AMH,FSH,Cause, Prakriti (Constitution)

Secondary Infertility 

Male sexual diseases

Hormonal imbalance- Testosterone 

Semen abnormalities

Hypogonadotropic cause

Macular degeneration

Tremors due to anxiety

Alcohol withdrawal

Bell’s palsy- recurrent

Trigeminal neuralgia

Visual defect- Yashtimadhu (no Lesion)[Atrophy, degenerative changes, infarctive lesion] 

Coma – haemorrhagic, injury, infarction, post operative.

Loss of hearing-sensory neural –old age, Paget’s disease, post viral infection

Parkinsonism –Primary, Secondary

Alzheimer’s disease

Normal pressure hydrocephalus 

Motor neuron disease- ALS with ant.horn cell degeneration (no structural abnormality on MRI scan)

Any prolonged systemic illness

Progressive muscular atrophy

Primary muscle disease (EMG-confirm)

Guillain- Barre syndrome- Post weakness  

Clinical Contra-indications of Yapana Basti: 

Congestive cardiac failure

Nephrotic syndrome


TB peritonitis 

Carcinomatosis (cachexia)




Cushing syndrome

Contra indication

Infective pathology


Duodenal ulcers


Renal calculus 


Ectopic pregnancy


Fissure fistula 


Potential of Yapana Basti: 

सर्वरोगप्रशमनाः सर्वेष्वृतुषु यौगिकाः।।

नारीणामप्रजातानां नराणां चाप्यपत्यदाः।

उभयार्थकरा दृष्टाः स्नेहबस्तिनिरूहयोः।। (च. सि. १२/२१-२२)

It cures all the diseases and can be administered in all seasons.

Bestows child to childless

It performs both the functions viz. Shodhana and Snehana which is done by Niruha and Sneha Basti respectively.


No Anuvasana in between Yapana: 

निरूहा लेखनाः प्रायो बृंहणाः स्नेहबस्तयः।

यापनेषूभयं तस्मान्नेष्टं तेष्वनुवासनम्।। 

(अ. स. क. ५/१२)

Yapana Basti enclose both properties hence there is no need of Anuvasana in between.

Yogas of yapana: 

Mustadi Yapana Basti- Raja Yapana Basti (King of all Yapana Basti)

Shaalparnyadi Yapana Basti

Sahacharadi Yapana Basti

Brihatyadi Yapana Basti

Hapushadi Yapana Basti

Madhutailika Yapana Basti

Hrisvpanchamooladi Yapana Basti 

Tritiyabaladi Yapana Basti

Chaturthabaladi Yapana Basti

Practical tips: 

  • Pudding of Basti
  • Morning hours practice
  • Dose of dravya in Kheerpaka
  • Adding of milk for kheerpaka-curdling  
  • Preparation of basti in morter 
  • Administration of basti

Post operative of Yapana

Hot water bath

Light food in Pitta prakriti

Assessment for effect and complications

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs): 

  1. What are the classical indications of Yapana Basti?
  2. a) Only for young individuals
  3. b) Athura and Vrudda
  4. c) Only for females
  5. d) None of the above

   Answer: b) Athura and Vrudda

  1. Yapana Basti serves what dual functions?
  2. a) Niruha and Shamana
  3. b) Sneha and Lekhana
  4. c) Deepana and Pachana
  5. d) Snehana and Brimhana

   Answer: a) Niruha and Shamana

  1. Yapana Basti is recommended for which of the following conditions?
  2. a) Congestive cardiac failure
  3. b) Nephrotic syndrome
  4. c) Cushing syndrome
  5. d) All of the above

   Answer: d) All of the above

  1. Yapana Basti is NOT suitable for administration in which season?
  2. a) Summer
  3. b) Monsoon
  4. c) Any season is suitable
  5. d) Winter

   Answer: c) Any season is suitable

  1. What is the primary purpose of Yapana Basti?
  2. a) Purifying (Shodhana) treatment
  3. b) Calming (Shamana) treatment
  4. c) Nourishing (Brimhana) treatment
  5. d) All of the above

   Answer: c) Nourishing (Brimhana) treatment

  1. Which condition is NOT a complication of excessive Yapana Basti intake?
  2. a) Edema (Shopha)
  3. b) Impaired Digestion (Agninaasha)
  4. c) Anemia (Paandu)
  5. d) Migraine

   Answer: d) Migraine

  1. What should be done post-operatively after Yapana Basti?
  2. a) Intense exercise
  3. b) Heavy meal
  4. c) Hot water bath
  5. d) Fasting

   Answer: c) Hot water bath

  1. Which type of Basti is NOT required in between Yapana Basti?
  2. a) Niruha Basti
  3. b) Sneha Basti
  4. c) Anuvasana Basti
  5. d) All are required

   Answer: a) Niruha Basti

  1. Yapana Basti is advised for which specific purposes?
  2. a) Curing all diseases
  3. b) Providing children to childless couples
  4. c) Enhancing digestion
  5. d) All of the above

   Answer: d) All of the above

  1. Which type of Basti is known as the “King of all Yapana Basti”?
  2. a) Sahacharadi Yapana Basti
  3. b) Hapushadi Yapana Basti
  4. c) Mustadi Yapana Basti
  5. d) Brihatyadi Yapana Basti

    Answer: c) Mustadi Yapana Basti



  1. Vaidyaka Shabdasindhuh – Kaviraja Umeshchandra Gupta & Kaviraja Nagendranathasena, 4th edition, 1999, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Pp – 1212, Page number – 856.
  2. Ayurvediya Shabdakosha – Ayurvedacharya Venimadhava Shastri Joshi & Ayurvedavisharada Narayan Hari Joshi, 1968, Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya ani Sanskriti Mandali, Mumbai, Pratham Khanda, Pp-975, Page number – 661.
  3. Agnivesha – Charaka Samhita – Acharya Jadavaji Trikamji, Chaukhambha publication, Varanasi, 5th edition, 2001, Pp – 738, Page number – 731, 732.
  4. M. Monier Williams – Sanskrit to English dictionary, Motilal Banarsidas publishers – Delhi, 4th Edition, 2005, Pp – 859, Page number – 849.
  5. Agnivesha, Charaka samhita, acharya Jadavaji trikamaji, reprint 2009,choukabha publication Varanasi. Pp 738, page no 732.
  6. Agnivesha, Charaka samhita, acharya Jadavaji trikamaji, reprint 2009,choukabha publication Varanasi. Pp 738, page no 734.
  7. Agnivesha, Charaka samhita, acharya Jadavaji trikamaji, reprint 2009,choukabha publication Varanasi. Pp 738, page no 734.
  8. Agnivesha, Charaka samhita, acharya Jadavaji trikamaji, reprint 2009,choukabha publication Varanasi. Pp 738, page no 734.
  9. Agnivesha, Charaka samhita, acharya Jadavaji trikamaji, reprint 2009,choukabha publication Varanasi. Pp 738, page no 734
  10. Agnivesha, Charaka samhita, acharya Jadavaji trikamaji, reprint 2009,choukabha publication Varanasi. Pp 738, page no 731.
  11. Vagbhata, Ashtanga Samgraha, Hindi vyakhya edited by Dr. Shivaprasad sharma,  2nd edition 2009, Chaukhambha Sanskrit series office , Varanasi, Pp 965, Page No602.
  12. Vagbhata, Ashtanga Samgraha, Hindi vyakhya edited by Dr. Shivaprasad sharma,  2nd edition 2009, Chaukhambha Sanskrit series office , Varanasi, Pp 965, Page No602.



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