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A case for testing and modifying theory in Ayurveda: Author’s response

A case for testing and modifying theory in Ayurveda: Author’s response

Kishor Patwardhan
This is my response to several recent criticisms that have challenged my views expressed in the article ‘Confessions of an Ayurveda Professor’ in this journal [1]. Some of these criticisms, such as the one by Karthik and Shajin, are directly expressed [2], while others, such as the one by Tubaki and Prasad, are indirect [3]. The criticism by Tubaki and Prasad is particularly significant because it is the only feedback I have received from the Ayush establishment thus far; and lists the President of the Board of Ayurveda, National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM), as an author. Additionally, there have been many reactions published on IJME’s website. I also address them in this response since many of them share a similar line of thinking.
The full paper can be accessed at:

A case for testing and modifying theory in Ayurveda: Author’s response

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