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Module on “Scientific Approach Towards Assessment of Dhatu Sarata” By- Dr. Aparna Singh

Scientific approach towards assessment of Dhatu Sarata

“Sriyate sthari bhavati yatra tatra saraha” (Shabda Kalpadrum 5th Vol).

Vishuddhataro Dhatu  (Chakrapani commentary on Ch.Vi.8/102-108).



Types of Sara

    Recent Advances in assessment of Sara in recent studies

The assessments of different Dhatu Sarata have been undertaken by various researchers.



Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sara Pariksha has been mentioned under

A. Ashtavidha Parikshya Bhava

B. Dashavidha Parikshya Bhava

C. Shadavidha Parikshya Bhava

D. Panchvidha Parikshya Bhava

2. Sara Pariksha is done to assess

A. Ayu Pramana

B. Bala Pramana

C. Oja Pramana

D. All of the above

3. Which of the following Sara individuals have intolerance for stressful condition and high temperature

A. Twaka Sara

B. Mamsa Sara

C. Rakta Sara

D. Majja Sara

4. According to Acharya Sushruta, which Sara individuals will possess highest quality of Ayu and Saubhagya

A. Satva Sara

B. Rakta Sara

C. Tvaka Sara

D. Meda Sara

5. Which of the following is probably a good method for categorizing Dhatu Sarata

A. Arithmetic mean

B. Weighted mean after delating outliers

C. Weighted mean with outliers

D. Arithmetic mean after deleting Dhatu Sarata

6. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT regarding Dhatu Sarata

A. It can be also categorized as Asara, Madhyama Sara and Sarva Sara

B. It can also be categorized as Dvasara or Trisara and so on.

C. It is difficult to assign particular Dhatu Sara to individuals

D. It can be used as tool to assess nutritional status of Dhatu

7. Which of the following Sara individuals are more likely to have highest correlation value with blood indices as compared to others

A. Meda Sara

B. Satva Sara

C. Rakta Sara

D. Rasa Sara

8. Which of the following Sara individuals are more likely to possess soft, delicate and deep-rooted hairs

A. Tvaka Sara

B. Meda Sara

C. Rakta Sara

D. Mamsa Sara

9. “Mahasiraskandha” is the feature of

A. Asthi Sarata

B. Mamsa Sarata

C. Meda Sarata

D. Majja Sarata

10. Acchidragatra is the feature of

A. Mamsa Sarata

B. Tvaka Sarata

C. Meda Sarata

D. Asthi Sarata

Answer Keys

  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. A
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