Module on “Scientific Approach Towards Assessment of Dhatu Sarata” By- Dr. Aparna Singh


Scientific approach towards assessment of Dhatu Sarata

“Sriyate sthari bhavati yatra tatra saraha” (Shabda Kalpadrum 5th Vol).

Vishuddhataro Dhatu  (Chakrapani commentary on Ch.Vi.8/102-108).

  • Dhatu saarta is the reflection of Dhatu sara in the form of structure and functions. It deals with physical and psychological characteristics of an individual which proved to be helpful in deciding the strength of a person. The inherent power of a person cannot be assessed by bulk and size of the body but it is only judged by the Sara examination. The quality of tissue is analyzed by Sara Pariksha in Ayurveda.
  • Sara pariksha serves as an important diagnostic tool and is one among the ten types of method of examination under Dasavidha Pariksha.
  • The concept of Sara has been mentioned for the assessment of Bala as per Charaka and Ayu as per Sushrut of patient.
  • Bala is considered as biological strength or power of resistance against the disease which can be related with immunity of the individual.
  • According to the predominance of particular Dhatu, the number of Dhatu Sara present in the body of an individual will be directly proportional to the power of resistance of the individual. Sarva Sara individuals have higher resistance in comparison to Madhyam Sara or Asara individuals. It can be recognized that the person of particular Sara will have more resistance against the diseases produced by the particular Dhatu.
  • It is evident from the Kashyapa thought that the individuals having particular Sara resist more against the disease of the particular Dhatu and Satva. According to him the Twak Sara children have disease free Twak (skin) and their skin is capable of rapid healing of wound. (Ka.Su. 28).



Types of Sara

  • The individuals on the basis of Sara have been classified into various categories depending upon the predominance of particular dhatu in body except the Satva Sara. ( i.e. Twak Sara, Rakta Sara, Mamsa Sara, Meda Sara, Asthi Sara, Majja Sara, Shukra Sara and Satva Sara)

    Recent Advances in assessment of Sara in recent studies

The assessments of different Dhatu Sarata have been undertaken by various researchers.

  • The relevance of Satva Sarata done by Tawalare K (2017) elude that Ayurveda deals with holistic approach while dealing with psychosomatic approach for maintenance of health and cure of diseases.
  • The pravar satva sara person were believed to bear any kind of physical and psychological stress. The treatment of breast cancer in female needs psychosomatic approach for treatment.
  • Hence with an objective to know the importance of satva sarata in prognosis of female breast cancer with relation to blood indices was carried out in 60 patients.
  • The parameters studied were Hb, TLC, platelets, Blood urea, serum creatinine, SGOT and total bilirubin were observed for three consequently follow up, on the basis of data obtained.
  • It was observed that the pravar satva sarata female patients show good response to treat with minimal changes in their blood indices.
  • The study on Rakta Sarata done by Ghate Umesg S et al. (2014) showed the association of blood indices with Dhatu sarata. It was observed that Raktasarta showed significant correlation with MCHC, MCH, CI and MCV. MCHC showed positive correlation with highest correlation value.
  • Another study done by Gunawat et al. (2015) studied the gender wise distribution of dhatusaarta and observed that hematological parameters in each Dhatusara are higher in males as compared to females which suggest the strength in males is more as compared to female.
  • Another study done by Jagruti Chaple (2013) indicates the relevance of Bala and Dhatusarata in an individual. The person with uttamsarata are excellent with good physical efficiency index, while madhyama sara person have low average physical efficiency index and heen sarata is associated with poor physical efficiency index.


  • Serves as an important tool for assessment of strength of an individual.
  • Reveals the status of Dhatu and Satva (mind) of an individual.
  • The significance of Sara is important while analyzing the bala of patient so that accordingly the treatment modalities in form of churna, vati etc could be planned accordingly.


Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sara Pariksha has been mentioned under

A. Ashtavidha Parikshya Bhava

B. Dashavidha Parikshya Bhava

C. Shadavidha Parikshya Bhava

D. Panchvidha Parikshya Bhava

2. Sara Pariksha is done to assess

A. Ayu Pramana

B. Bala Pramana

C. Oja Pramana

D. All of the above

3. Which of the following Sara individuals have intolerance for stressful condition and high temperature

A. Twaka Sara

B. Mamsa Sara

C. Rakta Sara

D. Majja Sara

4. According to Acharya Sushruta, which Sara individuals will possess highest quality of Ayu and Saubhagya

A. Satva Sara

B. Rakta Sara

C. Tvaka Sara

D. Meda Sara

5. Which of the following is probably a good method for categorizing Dhatu Sarata

A. Arithmetic mean

B. Weighted mean after delating outliers

C. Weighted mean with outliers

D. Arithmetic mean after deleting Dhatu Sarata

6. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT regarding Dhatu Sarata

A. It can be also categorized as Asara, Madhyama Sara and Sarva Sara

B. It can also be categorized as Dvasara or Trisara and so on.

C. It is difficult to assign particular Dhatu Sara to individuals

D. It can be used as tool to assess nutritional status of Dhatu

7. Which of the following Sara individuals are more likely to have highest correlation value with blood indices as compared to others

A. Meda Sara

B. Satva Sara

C. Rakta Sara

D. Rasa Sara

8. Which of the following Sara individuals are more likely to possess soft, delicate and deep-rooted hairs

A. Tvaka Sara

B. Meda Sara

C. Rakta Sara

D. Mamsa Sara

9. “Mahasiraskandha” is the feature of

A. Asthi Sarata

B. Mamsa Sarata

C. Meda Sarata

D. Majja Sarata

10. Acchidragatra is the feature of

A. Mamsa Sarata

B. Tvaka Sarata

C. Meda Sarata

D. Asthi Sarata

Answer Keys

  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. A


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