Ayurvedic Approach of treating Gall Stones: A Case Study by Dr. Prasad Pandkar

Ayurvedic Approach Towards Gall Stone & A Case Study from Ayurveda Network, BHU

Lecture on Management of the Diseases of Respiratory System by Dr. Muralidhara Sharma

Note: This lecture was delivered during an event organized by AYUSH Federation of India (AFI), Mangalore branch. We thank AFI for providing us with...

“Introducing Ayurveda in Mainstream Education” By – Prof. Sanjeev Rastogi

Introducing ayurveda in mainstream education from Ayurveda Network, BHU  

Updates in Diabetology : An Ayurvedist’s perceptions

Updates in Diabetology : An Ayurvedist’s perceptions from Ayurveda Network, BHU

“Concept of healthy living in Ayurveda” by Prof. Sanjeev Rastogi

Concept of healthy living in Ayurveda from Ayurveda Network, BHU

Lecture on “Approach to Ayurvedic Practice” by Prof. Muralidhara Sharma

Note: This lecture was delivered during an event organized by AYUSH Federation of India (AFI), Mangalore branch. We thank AFI for providing us with...

Changing trends in Ayurveda practice

Changing Trends in Ayurvedic practice from Ayurveda Network, BHU

Lecture on ‘Tridosha Theory’ (Part-2) by Prof. Kishor Patwardhan

This lecture by Dr. Kishor Patwardhan is intended at teachers who teach Ayurveda at an advanced level and may use it as a teaching...
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