Module on “Clinical Insights to Udwartana (Dry Powder Massage)” Talk By – Dr. Rajkala P. Patil



 Udvartana (Ayurvedic Powder Massage)

Dr.Rajkala Panchakshari Patil 


Panchakarma therapies are gaining widespread recognition in India and globally. Among these, Udvartana stands out as a distinctive Ayurvedic powder massage therapy, differentiating itself from Abhyanga by its unique application direction and pressure. This procedure is straightforward, cost-effective, and devoid of harmful effects. Udvartana showcases remarkable efficacy in addressing various conditions such as obesity, dyslipidemia, and cerebral palsy. It possesses qualities of Shoshana (absorption) and KaphaMedohara (alleviation of vitiated Kapha and Meda), while also demonstrating favorable impacts on psycho-physical parameters. This lecturedeals with detailed procedure of Udvartana, emphasizing its significance and benefits.


स्थिरीकरणमङ्गानांत्वक्प्रसादकरंपरम्|५२| Su.Chi.24




Udvartana, a unique Ayurvedic powder massage, involves massaging the entire body below the neck with gentle pressure, moving against the direction of hair growth1. Charaka also refers to this procedure as ShariraParimarjana, while Chakrapani associates it with a regimen following Abhyanga. The term “Gatramardanam” appears in the context of Vyayayama as well. Abhyanga, a significant Panchakarma therapy, entails oil application followed by targeted massage, with its benefits well-documented in Ayurvedic texts Udvartana, while similar, stands apart due to its unique direction and force during the massage.


Types of Udvartana

  1. Charaka’s Classification:

Based on therapeutic effects, Udvartana is classified into two types:

  1. Snigdha Udvartana: Employed for treating lean individuals, this approach involves using oil during the procedure.
  2. Rukhsha Udvartana: Tailored for obese patients, this type utilizes dry herb powder without oil.


  1. Sushruta’s Classification:

Sushruta categorizes Udvartana based on the nature of substances used:

  1. Udvartana
  2. Udgarshana: Dry herb powder is rubbed on the body.
  3. Utsadana: Involves the use of a paste of herbs moistened with oil (Ssneha Kalka) during the procedure. It’s noted in the context of ShashthiUpkrama and DwivraniyeChikitsa.



– Abhyanga (massage) table

– Herbal powder or oil as prescribed

– Therapist

– Vessel (for powder/oil)


Medicines used for Udwartana: 

  1. Triphala powder
  2. Vacha Powder 
  3. Kolkulathhadi Powder 
  4. Aragwadhadi Powder
  5. Barley Powder
  6. Sorghum Powder
  7. Pearl Millet powder 
  8. Kulatha Powder 
  9. Nimba Powder 
  10. Musta powder 


III. Types of Udawartana as procedure

As Preoperative for Panchakarma

As individual therapeutic procedure 



  1. Indication for Snigdha Udvartana:

– Lean and thin patients

– Choice of oil based on Prakriti (constituent)

– Delicate skin 

– Raktanubandhidisease- Vatashonita

– Vatapradhan disease- Vatavyadhi, Pakshaghata

– Muscle wasting


B.Indications for Ruksha Udvartana:

– Obese patients

– Muscular diseases- Muscular dystrophy, Myasthenia gravis, MND. 

– Hypercholesterolaemia 

– Hypothyroidism 

– Cushing syndrome

– Amavastha of disease

– Those patients eligible for snehapana

– Depression 

– Psychological conditions


C.Indications for Udgharshana:

– For Ruksha Udvartana

– For SiramukhaVivitaktavum


D.Indications for Utsadana:

– Beautification

– Increased skin lustre



In this technique, a dry powder massage is administered to the entire body, with strokes applied in the direction opposite to the natural hair follicle orientation. The duration of this treatment typically ranges from 45 to 60 minutes, adjusted according to the patient’s weight. This method is performed in alignment with the seven positions outlined in the Abhyanga procedure. Primarily, it serves as a preparatory step known as purvakarma before the commencement of Panchakarma or snehapana treatments. However, in specific health conditions such as obesity and hypercholesterolemia, this procedure can also serve as the primary therapeutic intervention.


  1. Contra- indications of Udwartana:


– Skin disease

– Cancer

– Visarpa

-Delicate skin


– Kshayajavyadhi


Udvartana involves applying medicated oil and dusting herbal powder on the body, followed by massage in the opposite direction of hair follicles. The main steps include patient preparation, positioning, and performing various types of massages on different body parts.



Each body part is massaged for 3-5 minutes, with the entire procedure typically lasting 30-45 minutes.



– Rest for 15 minutes

– Bath with lukewarm water after at least 1 hour



– Empty bladder and bowel before Udvartana

– Massage direction and patient positioning should be adhered to

– Assess indications and choice of drug before Udvartana

– Avoid tender areas

– Take precautions while dusting powder to prevent irritation

– Maintain aseptic measures for contagious diseases



सिरामुखविविक्तत्वमुद्धर्षणेन,त्वक्स्थस्याग्नेस्तेजनमुत्सादनेन; सस्नेहकल्केनोद्धर्षणमुत्सादनम्| Su.Chi.25/53 on Dalhana



Udvartana, a significant component of the Panchakarma therapy system, sets itself apart from Abhyanga through its distinct application method and pressure techniques. Depending on an individual’s Prakriti, a personalized blend of herbs, pastes, and oils is employed. Extensive research has underscored Udvartana’s effectiveness in addressing various health conditions, including obesity and cerebral palsy. Moreover, it has shown promise in positively influencing psychophysical factors and overall well-being.


Udvartana stands out as a crucial procedure within the Panchakarma framework, offering versatile applications either as a standalone treatment or in combination with other therapies. In the context of managing obesity, Udvartana excels in mitigating Kapha Dosha imbalances, reducing excess fat, promoting bodily stability, and enhancing skin complexion. Its affordability and safety make it a practical and cost-effective alternative to expensive fat-reduction procedures.


References of Udwartana: 










उद्धर्षणंत्विष्टिकयाकण्डूकोठविनाशनम्||५६|| Su.Chi.24


सिरामुखविविक्तत्वमुद्धर्षणेन, त्वक्स्थस्याग्नेस्तेजनमुत्सादनेन; सस्नेहकल्केनोद्धर्षणमुत्सादनम्| Su.Chi.25/53 

उद्धर्षणम्अस्नेहौषधचूर्णादिभिर्घर्षणम्, अन्येतुफेनकेष्टकादिघर्षणम्| Su.Chi.24/53 Dalhana


Questions: 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the topic along with their answers:


  1. What is the primary focus of Udvartana therapy?
  2. Oil application
  3. Gentle pressure massage
  4. Hair growth stimulation
  5. Targeted muscle strengthening

   Answer: B. Gentle pressure massage


  1. Which type of Udvartana is recommended for treating lean individuals?
  2. Snigdha Udvartana
  3. Rukhsha Udvartana
  4. Udgarshana
  5. Utsadana

   Answer: A. Snigdha Udvartana


  1. What type of Udvartana is tailored for obese patients and does not use oil during the procedure?
  2. Snigdha Udvartana
  3. Rukhsha Udvartana
  4. Udgarshana
  5. Utsadana

   Answer: B. Rukhsha Udvartana


  1. Which of the following is not an indication for Snigdha Udvartana?
  2. Lean and thin patients
  3. Delicate skin
  4. Hypothyroidism
  5. Muscle wasting

   Answer: C. Hypothyroidism


  1. How long does a typical Udvartana treatment last?
  2. 15-30 minutes
  3. 30-45 minutes
  4. 45-60 minutes
  5. 60-75 minutes

   Answer: C. 45-60 minutes


  1. What is the primary purpose of Udvartana as a preparatory step?
  2. Relaxation
  3. Beautification
  4. Purification
  5. Muscle strengthening

   Answer: C. Purification


  1. What is the main contra-indication for Udvartana?
  2. Hypertension (HTN)
  3. Skin disease
  4. Obesity
  5. Diabetes

   Answer: A. Hypertension (HTN)


  1. How long should a patient rest after a Udvartana treatment?
  2. 5 minutes
  3. 15 minutes
  4. 30 minutes
  5. 60 minutes

   Answer: B. 15 minutes


  1. What are the therapeutic actions of Udvartana according to the provided information?
  2. Hair growth stimulation
  3. Muscle strengthening
  4. Skin rejuvenation
  5. Uplifting and invigorating

   Answer: D. Uplifting and invigorating


  1. What health condition does Udvartana excel in managing, as mentioned in the text?
  2. Diabetes
  3. Hypertension
  4. Obesity
  5. Skin infections

    Answer: C. Obesity



  1. Agnivesha, Charaka, Charaka Samhita with commentary of Chakrapani Datta, edited by Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya, published by Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, Reprint 2010
  2. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita with commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya edited by Aryan Ram Acharya “Kavyatirtha”, published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, Reprint 2009
  3. Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hridya with the commentaries Sarvangasundara of Arundatta and Ayurveda Rasayana of Hemadri, edited by Pandit Hari Sadasiva Sastri Paradakara Bhisagacarya; Chaukhamba rientalia,Varanasi, Reprint -2011.
  4. Dravyaguna Vijnana by Dr. J. L. N Shastri, Vol. 2, 3rd Edition, Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 2008



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