Lecture series on ‘Ethical Aspects of Research’ by Prof. Sanjeev Rastogi



‘Let Learning Not Stop’

This lecture series on ‘Ethical Aspects of Research’ by Prof. Sanjeev Rastogi is an effort aimed at helping post-graduate and doctoral students of Ayurveda during this COVID-19 related lock-down so that their learning can continue. We hope that a basic understanding of the topic can be had if a student goes through all these lectures carefully. This series is now complete with four lectures.

Since the office of Ayurveda Network is physically not functioning, the quality of video/ audio may not be of the expected standards.

We sincerely hope that the students will make use of this lecture series.

Happy learning!

Stay Home, Stay Safe!

Coordination Team, Ayurveda Network


Ethical Aspects of Research (Part-1)

Ethical Aspects of Research (Part-2)

Ethical Aspects of Research (Part-3)

Ethical Aspects of Research (Part-4)


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