Teaching Resources related to Kriya Sharir (Ayurveda Physiology)


Review and Research Articles:

  1. Joshi H, Singh G, Patwardhan K. Ayurveda education: Evaluating the integrative approaches of teaching Kriya Sharira (Ayurveda physiology). Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 2013;4(3):138-146. doi:10.4103/0975-9476.118683.
  2. Gunawat CP, Singh G, Patwardhan K, Gehlot S. Weighted mean: A possible method to express overall Dhatu Sarata. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 2015;6(4):286-289. doi:10.4103/0975-9476.172386.
  3. Singh A, Singh G, Patwardhan K, Gehlot S. Development, Validation, and Verification of a Self-Assessment Tool to Estimate Agnibala (Digestive Strength). J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017 Jan;22(1):134-140. Epub 2016 Jul 4.
  4. Bhalerao S, Patwardhan K. Prakriti-based research: Good reporting practices. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 2016;7(1):69-72. doi:10.1016/j.jaim.2015.08.002.
  5. Patwardhan K. The history of the discovery of blood circulation: unrecognized contributions of Ayurveda masters. Adv Physiol Educ. 2012 Jun;36(2):77-82. doi: 10.1152/advan.00123.2011.
  6. Govindaraj P, Nizamuddin S, Sharath A, Jyothi V, Rotti H, Raval R, Nayak J, Bhat BK, Prasanna BV, Shintre P, Sule M, Joshi KS, Dedge AP, Bharadwaj R, Gangadharan GG, Nair S, Gopinath PM, Patwardhan B, Kondaiah P, Satyamoorthy K, Valiathan MV, Thangaraj K. Genome-wide analysis correlates Ayurveda Prakriti. Sci Rep. 2015 Oct 29;5:15786. doi: 10.1038/srep15786.
  7. Bhalerao S, Deshpande T, Thatte U. Prakriti (Ayurvedic concept of constitution) and variations in platelet aggregation. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Dec 10;12:248. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-12-248.
  8. Rotti H, Mallya S, Kabekkodu SP, Chakrabarty S, Bhale S, Bharadwaj R, Bhat BK, Dedge AP, Dhumal VR, Gangadharan GG, Gopinath PM, Govindaraj P, Joshi KS, Kondaiah P, Nair S, Nair SN, Nayak J, Prasanna BV, Shintre P, Sule M, Thangaraj K, Patwardhan B, Valiathan MV, Satyamoorthy K. DNA methylation analysis of phenotype specific stratified Indian population. J Transl Med. 2015 May 8;13:151. doi: 10.1186/s12967-015-0506-0.
  9. Banerjee S, Debnath P, Debnath PK. Ayurnutrigenomics: Ayurveda-inspired personalized nutrition from inception to evidence. J Tradit Complement Med. 2015 Mar 24;5(4):228-33. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcme.2014.12.009. eCollection 2015 Oct. Review.
  10. Lakhotia SC. Translating Ayurveda’s Dosha-Prakriti into objective parameters. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Jul;5(3):176.
  11. Suchitra SP, Jagan A, Nagendra HR. Development and initial standardization of Ayurveda child personality inventory. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Oct-Dec;5(4):205-8. doi: 10.4103/0975-9476.146562.
  12. Juyal RC, Negi S, Wakhode P, Bhat S, Bhat B, Thelma BK. Potential of ayurgenomics approach in complex trait research: leads from a pilot study on rheumatoid arthritis. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e45752. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045752. Epub 2012 Sep 26.
  13. Ghodke Y, Joshi K, Patwardhan B. Traditional Medicine to Modern Pharmacogenomics: Ayurveda Prakriti Type and CYP2C19 Gene Polymorphism Associated with the Metabolic Variability. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011;2011:249528. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nep206. Epub 2011 Jun 8.
  14. Purvya MC, Meena MS. A review on role of prakriti in aging. Ayu. 2011 Jan;32(1):20-4. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.85719.
  15. Aggarwal S, Gheware A, Agrawal A, Ghosh S, Prasher B, Mukerji M; Indian Genome Variation Consortium. Combined genetic effects of EGLN1 and VWF modulate thrombotic outcome in hypoxia revealed by Ayurgenomics approach. J Transl Med. 2015 Jun 6;13:184. doi: 10.1186/s12967-015-0542-9.
  16. Patwardhan B, Bodeker G. Ayurvedic genomics: establishing a genetic basis for mind-body typologies. J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Jun;14(5):571-6. doi: 10.1089/acm.2007.0515.
  17. Prasher B, Gibson G, Mukerji M. Genomic insights into ayurvedic and western approaches to personalized medicine. J Genet. 2016 Mar;95(1):209-28.
  18. Chatterjee B, Pancholi J. Prakriti-based medicine: A step towards personalized medicine. Ayu. 2011 Apr;32(2):141-6. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.92539.
  19. Rotti H, Raval R, Anchan S, Bellampalli R, Bhale S, Bharadwaj R, Bhat BK, Dedge AP, Dhumal VR, Gangadharan GG, Girijakumari TK, Gopinath PM, Govindaraj P, Halder S, Joshi KS, Kabekkodu SP, Kamath A, Kondaiah P, Kukreja H, Kumar KL, Nair S, Nair SN, Nayak J, Prasanna BV, Rashmishree M, Sharanprasad K, Thangaraj K, Patwardhan B, Satyamoorthy K, Valiathan MV. Determinants of prakriti, the human constitution types of Indian traditional medicine and its correlation with contemporary science. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Jul;5(3):167-75. doi: 10.4103/0975-9476.140478.
  20. Kurande V, Bilgrau AE, Waagepetersen R, Toft E, Prasad R. Interrater reliability of diagnostic methods in traditional Indian ayurvedic medicine. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:658275. doi: 10.1155/2013/658275. Epub 2013 Sep 26.
  21. Rastogi S. Development and validation of a Prototype Prakriti Analysis Tool (PPAT): Inferences from a pilot study. Ayu. 2012 Apr;33(2):209-18. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.105240.
  22. Rotti H, Guruprasad KP, Nayak J, Kabekkodu SP, Kukreja H, Mallya S, Nayak J, Bhradwaj RC, Gangadharan GG, Prasanna BV, Raval R, Kamath A, Gopinath PM, Kondaiah P, Satyamoorthy K. Immunophenotyping of normal individuals classified on the basis of human dosha prakriti. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Jan;5(1):43-9. doi: 10.4103/0975-9476.128857.
  23. Bhushan P, Kalpana J, Arvind C. Classification of human population based on HLA gene polymorphism and the concept of Prakriti in Ayurveda. J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Apr;11(2):349-53.
  24. Aggarwal S, Negi S, Jha P, Singh PK, Stobdan T, Pasha MA, Ghosh S, Agrawal A; Indian Genome Variation Consortium, Prasher B, Mukerji M.EGLN1 involvement in high-altitude adaptation revealed through genetic analysis of extreme constitution types defined in Ayurveda. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Nov 2;107(44):18961-6. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1006108107. Epub 2010 Oct 18.
  25. Mahalle NP, Kulkarni MV, Pendse NM, Naik SS. Association of constitutional type of Ayurveda with cardiovascular risk factors, inflammatory markers and insulin resistance. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2012 Jul;3(3):150-7. doi: 10.4103/0975-9476.100186.
  26. Dey S, Pahwa P. Prakriti and its associations with metabolism, chronic diseases, and genotypes: Possibilities of new born screening and a lifetime of personalized prevention. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Jan;5(1):15-24. doi: 10.4103/0975-9476.128848.
  27. Tripathi JS, Singh RH. Concept of deha prakriti vis-à-vis human constitution in ayurveda. Anc Sci Life. 1994 Jan;13(3-4):314-25.
  28. Tripathi PK, Patwardhan K, Singh G. The basic cardiovascular responses to postural changes, exercise, and cold pressor test: do they vary in accordance with the dual constitutional types of ayurveda? Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011;2011. pii: 251850. doi: 10.1155/2011/251850. Epub 2010 Aug 30.
  29. Singh PK, Byadgi PS, Singh G, Tripathi NS. Impact of season and constitution on lipid parameters. Ayu. 2013 Jan;34(1):77-80. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.115454.
  30. Prasher B, Negi S, Aggarwal S, Mandal AK, Sethi TP, Deshmukh SR, Purohit SG, Sengupta S, Khanna S, Mohammad F, Garg G, Brahmachari SK; Indian Genome Variation Consortium, Mukerji M. Whole genome expression and biochemical correlates of extreme constitutional types defined in Ayurveda. J Transl Med. 2008 Sep 9;6:48. doi: 10.1186/1479-5876-6-48.
  31. Tiwari S, Gehlot S, Tiwari SK, Singh G. Effect of walking (aerobic isotonic exercise) on physiological variants with special reference to Prameha (diabetes mellitus) as per Prakriti. Ayu. 2012 Jan;33(1):44-9. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.100308.
  32. Gupta PD. Pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics and ayurgenomics for personalized medicine: a paradigm shift. Indian J Pharm Sci. 2015 Mar-Apr;77(2):135-41.
  33. Tiwari P, Kutum R, Sethi T, Shrivastava A, Girase B, Aggarwal S, Patil R, Agarwal D, Gautam P, Agrawal A, Dash D, Ghosh S, Juvekar S, Mukerji M, Prasher B. Recapitulation of Ayurveda constitution types by machine learning of phenotypic traits. PLoS One. 2017 Oct 5;12(10):e0185380. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0185380. eCollection 2017.
  34. Samarakoon SM, Chandola HM, Ravishankar B. Effect of dietary, social, and lifestyle determinants of accelerated aging and its common clinical presentation: A survey study. Ayu. 2011 Jul;32(3):315-21. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.93906.
  35. Sharma R, Prajapati PK. Rising risk of type 2 diabetes among inhabitants of Jamnagar, Gujarat: A cross-sectional survey. Ayu. 2015 Jan-Mar;36(1):10-7. doi:10.4103/0974-8520.169014.
  36. Shilpa S, Murthy CG. Development and standardization of Mysore Tridosha scale. Ayu. 2011 Jul;32(3):308-14. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.93905.
  37. Rizzo-Sierra CV. Ayurvedic genomics, constitutional psychology, and endocrinology: the missing connection. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 May;17(5):465-8. doi: 10.1089/acm.2010.0412. Epub 2011 May 12.
  38. Suchitra SP, Nagendra HR. A self-rating scale to measure tridoṣas in children. Anc Sci Life. 2013 Oct;33(2):85-91. doi: 10.4103/0257-7941.139042.
  39. Sharma RK, Patki PS. Double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical evaluation of an Ayurvedic formulation (GlucoCare capsules) in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2010 Jan;1(1):45-51. doi: 10.4103/0975-9476.59827.
  40. Hankey A. Establishing the Scientific Validity of Tridosha part 1: Doshas, Subdoshas and Dosha Prakritis. Anc Sci Life. 2010 Jan;29(3):6-18.
  41. Shilpa S, Venkatesha Murthy CG. Understanding personality from Ayurvedic perspective for psychological assessment: A case. Ayu. 2011 Jan;32(1):12-9. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.85716.
  42. Dunlap C, Hanes D, Elder C, Nygaard C, Zwickey H. Reliability of self-reported constitutional questionnaires in Ayurveda diagnosis. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2017 Oct – Dec;8(4):257-262. doi: 10.1016/j.jaim.2017.04.011. Epub 2017 Oct 28.
  43. Prasher B, Varma B, Kumar A, Khuntia BK, Pandey R, Narang A, Tiwari P, Kutum R, Guin D, Kukreti R, Dash D; TRISUTRA Ayurgenomics Consortium, Mukerji M. Ayurgenomics for stratified medicine: TRISUTRA consortium initiative across ethnically and geographically diverse Indian populations. J Ethnopharmacol. 2017. Feb 2;197:274-293. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.07.063. Epub 2016 Jul 22.
  44. Chauhan A, Semwal DK, Mishra SP, Semwal RB. Ayurvedic concept of Shatkriyakala: a traditional knowledge of cancer pathogenesis and therapy. J Integr Med. 2017 Mar;15(2):88-94. doi: 10.1016/S2095-4964(17)60311-X.
  45. Sharma S, Balsavar A, Beniwal RP, Bhatia T, Deshpande SN. A Pilot Study of Correlation between Intelligence Quotient, Social Quotient, and Ayurveda Parameters in Children. Indian J Psychol Med. 2018 Jan-Feb;40(1):74-79. doi: 10.4103/IJPSYM.IJPSYM_227_17.
  46. Thaker SJ, Gandhe PP, Godbole CJ, Bendkhale SR, Mali NB, Thatte UM, Gogtay NJ. A prospective study to assess the association between genotype, phenotype and Prakriti in individuals on phenytoin monotherapy. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2017 Jan – Mar;8(1):37-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jaim.2016.12.001. Epub 2017 Mar 14.
  47. Stranieri A, Butler-Henderson K, Sahama T, Perera PK, Da Silva JL, Pelonio D, Manjunath SS, Raghavachar D. A visual grid to digitally record an Ayurvedic Prakriti assessment; a first step toward integrated electronic health records. J Tradit Complement Med. 2016 Jul 12;7(2):264-268. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcme.2016.06.005. eCollection 2017 Apr.
  48. Shirolkar A, Chakraborty S, Mandal T, Dabur R. Unbiased plasma metabolomics reveal the correlation of metabolic pathways and Prakritis of humans. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2017 Nov 25. pii: S0975-9476(16)30355-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jaim.2017.05.002.

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