Dr. Murlidhar Paliwal


    Dr. Murlidhar Paliwal completed his BAMS (Ayurvedacharya) course in year 1998 from Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya Govt. Ayurvedic College, Udaipur. In the year 2000, he got admission in M.D. Ayurveda (Samhita) at National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur (Raj.) and completed his post-graduation in 2003. After joining at BHU as a faculty member, completed his Ph.D. Degree in Samhita in the year, 2013 from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
    Dr. Paliwal joined the Faculty of Ayurveda, Banaras Hindu University as a lecturer in Ayurveda Samhita on 28th October, 2005 and presently he is working in the capacity of Associate Professor & Head in the Deptt. of Samhita and Sanskrit at BHU. He has produced six (06) M.D. Ayurveda scholars under his supervision and co-superviosion. Presently three M.D. Ayurveda and three Ph.D. scholars are working under his direct supervision. Along with teaching assignments, he has attended almost 45 national or international seminars and workshops. He has received best paper award for three times in different seminars and oratory competitions. Dr. Paliwal has delivered 15 guest lectures in different institutes of the country and has more than 55 research papers and review articles to his credit which are published in different national and international print or online journals. He is the life time member of Akhil Bharatiya Ayurveda Mahasammelan, Vishva Ayurveda Parishad and life time associate member of Bharatiya Sangyaharak Association.
    Dr. Paliwal has very keen interest in the study and teaching of different Sanskrit commentaries of Ayurveda Samhitas, research related to fundamental doctrines of Ayurveda and clinical study of the medicines mentioned in Ayurveda Samhitas.