Module on “Therapeutic essentials of Anuvasana Basti” Talk By- Dr. Rajkala P. Patil


 Anuvasana Basti: Therapeutic Essentials 

Dr. Rajkala P. Patil
Head & Associate Professor,
Department of Panchakarma,
Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi


Anuvasana Basti Primarily oil-based, this treatment can be administered to both individuals with health concerns and those in good health. It serves a dual purpose, acting as a supportive measure in various protocols such as yoga, kala, and karma Basti schedules, as well as functioning as a Kevala Sneha Basti in the form of Matra Basti. While it is primarily used for snehana (oleation) in Vata-related conditions, in some cases like arsas, a Basti like Pippalyadi anuvasana can be given on its own. Anuvasana Basti primarily exhibits calming (shaman) and nourishing (Brimhana) effects rather than purifying (Sanshodhana) effects, and as such, it is not categorized among the four cleansing measures (Chatusprakar sanshuddhi) of Langham therapies.

Dose wise there are three types of Anuvasana Basti-

  1. Sneha Basti – 1/4th of total quantity of Niruh Basti = 300 ml
  2. Anuvasana Basti – ½ of Sneha Basti = 150 ml
  3. Matra Basti – ½ of Anuvasana Basti = 75 ml

Materials required-

  1. Polythene cover/ Plastic syringe-rubber catheter/ Flatus tube
  2. Traditional Basti putaka with Bastinetra
  3. Paper gloves
  4. Measuring glass
  5. Anuvasana Medicine – QS 
  6. Hot water for warming the sneha

Anuvasana basti procedure

On the very first day of the Yoga Basti course, Anuvasana Basti is given and in Anuvasana Basti only Sneha is given which should always be medicated or Murchhit and Luke warm at the time of administration.

Basti drugs: 90ml of moorchita tila taila along with 5g of saindhava lavana/ Shatapushpa choorna -5 gm , 

Procedure procedure: It can be further divided as

  • Poorvakarma 
  • Pradhanakarma   
  • Paschatkarma   
  • Poorvakarma:-

In the afternoon, after the patient has emptied their bowels and bladder (voiding mala and mootra), local snehana (oleation therapy) and swedana (sweating therapy) are administered to the patient. Subsequently, the patient is advised to consume pathya ahara (appropriate diet) during annakala (mealtime), followed by a short walk known as “chankramana” or Shatpawali (100 steps walking) for a few steps. Afterward, the patient is instructed to lie down in the Left lateral position (vama-parshwa) position, with their right leg flexed.

  • Pradhana karma: –

The primary steps of this procedure are as follows:

  1. The Sneha (medicated substance) prescribed for Anuvasana is placed in the Basti-putaka (a container for enema or in a glycerin syringe) and securely tied in place, with the Basti Netra (enema tube) properly positioned.
  2. Any trapped air within the Basti-yantra (enema apparatus) is released by gently pressing the Basti-putaka or moving oil from the Glycerin syringe to remove air from it.
  3. The anal region and the Basti Netra should be lubricated with oil to facilitate a smooth insertion process.
  4. Then, carefully insert the Basti Netra into the rectum, ensuring it goes up to the first Karnika (section).
  5. While keeping the position the same, press the Basti-putaka with the right hand using adequate force. The time for squeezing the Basti-putaka is typically mentioned as 30 matrakalas for Niruha administration, in Anuvasana, approximately 15-20 matra kalas for administration, which can be considered the time required for introducing the Basti drava (medicated liquid) into the rectum.
  6. Finally, cautiously remove the Basti-netra when a small amount of Sneha remains inside the Basti-putaka.

Paschat karma: –   

Once the administration is complete, the patient’s buttocks are lightly patted with the palms three times. Then, the patient is asked to relax in a supine (lying on the back) position. The foot end of the table is gently raised three times, and a pillow is placed under the patient’s head. The soles of the patient’s feet are softly rubbed, and the patient is encouraged to lie on their back for a duration equivalent to counting up to one hundred. If the patient feels the urge to defecate, they may do so. However, if the Sneha (medicated substance) is expelled immediately, another Anuvasana Basti can be administered.

Ideally, the Sneha should be retained for 3 Yama, which is approximately 9 hours, but it may be retained for up to 24 hours if it doesn’t cause discomfort to the patient, no need to do anything. The patient is advised to consume light and easily digestible food (laghu ahara) when they feel hungry and drink warm water as recommended (pathya). They should also adhere to all dietary guidelines (pathya-apthya) related to the Basti therapy.

Complications and management: 

  1. Ayoga: The patient is treated for ayoga treatment by giving more dose of Sneha.
  2. Atiyoga: Excessive treatment or overmedication should be treated with proper management.
  3. Klama (Exhaustion): The patient is experiencing fatigue should be given tarpana treatment.
  4. Adhman (Flatulence): Localized sweating therapy (svedana) should be applied to the abdominal region.
  5. Abdominal pain: Hinguvachadi or Vaishwanara choorna, 3 – 5 grams mixed with warm water, can be administered to alleviate abdominal pain.

Medicines for Anuvasana Basti in clinical practice: 

Amavata : Brihat Saindhavadi Taila Saindhvadi Taila, Narayan Taila

  • Sandhivata : Mahanarayan Taila, Asthiposhak Ghrita, Dadimadi Ghrita, Dashamula Taila
  • Kitibha: Ayappal Kera Taila, Eladi Kera Taila, Marichadi Taila.l
  • Pakshaghata: Mahamasha Taila, Prasharini Taila
  • Mamsa Kshaya: Bala Taila, Masha Taila

Samyak anuvasana lakshanas: Pratyetyasaktam Sashakrut Cha Tailam, Raktadi Prasada, Buddhi Prasada, Indriya Prasada, Swapna Anuvrutti, Laghuta, Bala, Srushta Vega, Kinchitkala Sthita Savata Pureesha Nivartate. 

Anuvasana Ayoga Lakshanas: Adhaha Shareera Ruk, Udara Ruk, Bahu Ruk, Prushta-Parshwa Ruk, Ruksha, Khara Gatrata, Vit Graha (Vishtabdha), Mutra Graham, Sameerana (Vata) Graha Vishtambha, Gadha Varcha, Roga Vruddhi, Vivarnata, Vepathu, Vata Vruddhi

Anuvasana Atiyoga Lashanas: Hrullasa, Moha, Klama, Sada, Murcha, Vikartika, Vishada Trupti, Aruchi, Daha, Pipasa, Kararti

10 multiple-choice questions and answers of Anuvasana Basti:

  1. What is the primary purpose of Anuvasan Basti?

a) Purifying (Sanshodhana) effects

b) Calming (shaman) and nourishing (Brimhana) effects

c) Eliminating Vata-related conditions

d) Supporting yoga practices

Answer: b) Calming (shaman) and nourishing (Brimhana) effects


  1. How many types of Anuvasana Basti doses are there?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Answer: c) 3


  1. What is the recommended duration for retaining Sneha in Anuvasana Basti?

a) 1 Yama (3 hours)

b) 6 Yamas (18 hours)

c) 9 Yamas (27 hours)

d) 24 hours

Answer: c) 9 Yamas (27 hours)


  1. What should be done if the Sneha is expelled immediately after Anuvasana Basti administration?

a) Administer another Anuvasana Basti

b) Wait for 24 hours

c) Continue with the regular diet

d) Apply localized sweating therapy

Answer: a) Administer another Anuvasana Basti


  1. What is the primary procedure for Anuvasana Basti administration?

a) Consuming a specific diet

b) Sweating therapy

c) Inserting Basti Netra into the rectum

d) Walking 100 steps

Answer: c) Inserting Basti Netra into the rectum


  1. Which complication of Anuvasana Basti is treated with tarpana treatment?

a) Ayoga

b) Atiyoga

c) Klama

d) Abdominal pain

Answer: c) Klama


  1. Which condition is NOT mentioned as a potential application for Anuvasana Basti in clinical practice?

a) Amavata

b) Kitibha

c) Mamsa Kshaya

d) Diabetes

Answer: d) Diabetes


  1. What are some Samyak Anuvasana Lakshanas?

a) Abdominal pain and flatulence

b) Ruksha and Khara Gatrata

c) Prasada and Swapna Anuvrutti

d) Sameerana (Vata) Graha and Vit Graha (Vishtabdha)

Answer: c) Prasada and Swapna Anuvrutti


  1. What is Anuvasana Atiyoga Lakshanas associated with?

a) Successful treatment
b) Excessive treatment or overmedication
c) Proper diet
d) Smooth insertion process

Answer: b) Excessive treatment or overmedication

  1. Which term refers to the expulsion of Sneha immediately after Anuvasana Basti administration?

a) Ayoga

b) Atiyoga

c) Klama

d) Paschat karma

Answer: b) Atiyoga


  1. Agnivesha; Charaka Samhita; redacted by Charaka and Dridabala with Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by Chakrapanidutta; English translation edition 1997; by Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash; Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Pp 738 pg 699-700
  2. Vagbhatacharya; Ashtanga Hridaya with commentaries Sarvangasundara of Arunadutta and Ayurveda Rasayana of Hemadri, ed. by Pandit Bhishak Acharya, Hari Shastri Paradkar Akola; 8th edition, 2000; Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Pp 956 pg 769
  3. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita with commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya edited by Aryan Ram Acharya “Kavyatirtha”, published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, Reprint 2009
  4. Dravyaguna Vijnana by Dr. J. L. N Shastri, Vol. 2, 3rd Edition, Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 2008


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