
Module on “Caesarean section (Part-3)” by Dr. Vishwesh BN

POSTOPERATIVE CARE FOLLOWING A CESAREAN SECTION Postoperative care: Aims are: (i) Support to restore patient’s physiological functions (ii) Promote tissue healing (iii) Prevention/management of complications. Good postoperative care team...

Module on “Caesarean section (Part-2)” by Dr. Vishwesh BN

CESAREAN DELIVERY (Part-2) Procedure of LSCS A brief knowledge of anatomy before a caesarean delivery: To achieve a cesarean delivery, the surgeon must traverse all the layers...

Module on “Caesarean section (Part-1)” by Dr. Vishwesh BN

CAESAREAN DELIVERY-(Part-I) Definition, indication, preoperative procedures and instruments required: Definition: It is an operative procedure whereby the foetuses after the end of 28th weeks are delivered...
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