Guidelines for
Manuscript Submission for
Ayurveda E-Book
All submissions must be in English.
Submit your manuscript in Microsoft Word format only.
PDFs will not be accepted.
Word Limit:
Ensure that your manuscript is at least of 3000 words.
Use Times New Roman with a font size of 12.
Referencing Style:
Follow the Vancouver style for referencing. Include complete references for Shloka or
Sanskrit verses, for example: Sushruta Uttartantra 22/6,7. Do not include the actual Sanskrit verse or Shloka in manuscript.
Submissions must contain original views, ideas, or concepts and may be related to any
subject of Ayurveda. This includes research methods, education, and topics ranging from the basic/ fundamentals of Ayurveda to clinical applications.
The manuscript can be single or multi-authored.
Do not submit original research dealing with original data
The submitted manuscript should be unique, unpublished, created by authors themselves,
without using any AI tools.
Submission Process:
Send your manuscript via email to the Coordinators, Ayurveda.
Attach a signed letter addressing to the coordinator of Ayurveda Networks BHU, affirming
that the submitted work is original, does not contain plagiarized material, and has not been
submitted to any other publishing platform.
If a manuscript does not follow the given guidelines, it will be automatically rejected.
Submitted manuscripts will go through the process of peer review and/or revision
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