Dr. Pradeep Jain


    Dr. Pradeep Jain is a senior consultant physician and Diabetologist practicing for more than 25 years in Varanasi. He received his MD(Ayurveda) degree in Dravyaguna in 1994, P.G.C.Diabetology in 1995 from NIMS Hyderabad and I.C.C.Nephrology in 1999 from Banaras Hindu University.

    He has special interest in treating Madhumehik Vrana for which, he has also received (State of the Art Diabetic Foot Clinic 2018 Award) by International Diabetes Federation. He has also received the “RASHTIYARATAN Award” and Gold medal in 2003, “CHIKITSARATAN Award” and “VIKASRATAN” Siromani Award and Gold medal in 2007, along with other prestigious awards. He has published more than 25 scientific & research papers in reputed journals. He has given many keynote lectures in national & international conferences including WORLD AYURVED CONGRESS, RSSDI, etc. He has a special interest in “Plant Identification” and their clinical application.