Dr. Vaibhav Jaiswal


    Dr. Vaibhav Jaisawal was born and brought up in the holy city of Kashi. In 2003 he joined BAMS program in Banaras Hindu University and from there onwards he has been a part of this university. He pursued his MD (Ay) Kaumarbhritya/Balroga in 2009, and then worked as a Senior resident in the same department. From July 2015 onwards, he is working as an Assistant professor in Department of Kaumarbhritya/ Balroga, faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU. He has published a few papers in National and International journals and chapters in some books. He had been a part of many committees at university level, institute level, faculty level etc. He has worked as organizing secretory in a National seminar. He has also delivered some public lectures, talks on radio shows etc. He has attended many medical camps and has attended many national and international conferences too. His future goal is to establish a super specialized Rehabilitation center for children for cerebral palsy including Panchkarna, physiotherapy, marma therapy, occupational theray and others for the betterment of such children. He believes that, with such a facility, children suffering from behavior disorders such as ADHD, ASD, dyslexia and others will also be benifited.