‘Basic Concept of Psychiatric Disorders’ by Prof. YK Sharma
Basic Concept of Psychiatric Disorders from Ayurveda Network, BHU
‘Preventive Care in Geriatrics’ by Prof. YK Sharma
Preventive Care in Geriatrics from Ayurveda Network, BHU
‘Kshara Karma Caustic Therapy’ by Prof. P Hemantha Kumar
'Kshara Karma Caustic Therapy'
Author: Prof. P Hemantha Kumar
Kshara Karma in Anorectal Diseases from Ayurveda Network, BHU
‘Nadi Pariksha – Ayurvedic Pulse Examination’ by Prof. YK Sharma
Nadi Pariksha - Ayurvedic Pulse Examination from Ayurveda Network, BHU
Clinical Research in CAM: Requirements, Complexities and Possibilities By – Prof. Sanjeev Rastogi
Clinical Research in CAM: Requirements, Complexities and Possibilities from Ayurveda Network, BHU
Sleep Medicine : What Ayurveda Can Contribute ? By – Prof. Sanjeev Rastogi
Sleep Medicine : What Ayurveda Can Contribute ? from Ayurveda Network, BHU
‘Ayurveda Education – Current Scenario’ by Prof. YK Sharma
Ayurveda Education Current Scenario from Ayurveda Network, BHU
Fundamentals of Ayurveda
Fundamentals of Ayurveda from Ayurveda Network, BHU
Concept of Rasayana in Ayurveda
Concept of Rasayana in Ayurveda from Ayurveda Network, BHU
Reported ADRs: Regulatory Actions Suggested
Reported ADRs: Regulatory Actions Suggested
Author: Prof. Anand Chaudhary
Possible Regulatory Actions Required Against The Reported ADRs from Ayurveda Network, BHU