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Prasuti Tantra-Striroga


Module on “Principles of diet planning in Ayurveda for achieving Samagni and excellence of...

PRINCIPLES OF DIET PLANNING IN AYURVEDA FOR ACHIEVING SAMAGNI AND EXCELLENCE OF NUTRITION Introduction Ahara is considered as Mahabhaishajya in Ayurveda. Diet and lifestyle are the...

Module on “Non-Invasive Management of Pregnancy Bleeding-A Successful Case Report” By- Dr. Anuradha Roy

“Non-invasive management of pregnancy bleeding- a successful case report” Dr. Anuradha Roy Department of Prasuti Tantra, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS; BHU, Varanasi. Introduction: Pregnancy bleeding is an...

Module on “Garbhasrāva and Garbhapāta” By- Dr. Anuradha Roy

“Garbhasrāva and Garbhapāta” Dr. Anuradha Roy Department of Prasuti Tantra, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS; BHU, Varanasi. The terminologies Garbhasrāva/ Garbhapāta has be mentioned by Ācharyas under the...

Module on “Caesarean section (Part-1)” by Dr. Vishwesh BN

CAESAREAN DELIVERY-(Part-I) Definition, indication, preoperative procedures and instruments required: Definition: It is an operative procedure whereby the foetuses after the end of 28th weeks are delivered...

Module on “Principles of Diet Planning in Diabetes Mellitus” By- Dr. Mangalagowri V Rao

 PRINCIPLES OF DIET PLANNING IN DIABETES MELLITUS   INTRODUCTION न च आहार समं किंचित् भैषज्यमुपलभ्यते I शक्यतेप्यन्न मात्रेण नरः कर्तुम् निरामयम् II K. S. Khi. 4/5 No medicine is...

Module on ‘Pre-Conceptional and Care During First Trimester of Pregnancy in Ayurveda’ by -Dr....

  PRE-CONCEPTIONAL AND CARE DURING FIRST TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY IN AYURVEDA   Pregnancy is the most important phase in any woman’s life. Proper care should be exercised...

Module on “Infertility (Part- 2)” by Dr. Vishwesh BN

CAUSES OF FEMALE INFERTILITY The causes of female infertility can be - Tubal and peritoneal factors (25–35%), Ovulatory factor (30–40%) and Endometriosis (1–10%). Ovarian factors: The...

Module on “Infertility: (Part-1)” by Dr. Vishwesh BN

INFERTILITY Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to achieve conception after 1 year of unprotected coitus. Sterility is an absolute state of...
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