Dr. Sankha Shubhra Chakrabarti


    Dr. Sankha Shubhra Chakrabarti

    Associate Professor & Head, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University
    Adjunct Faculty, Interdisciplinary School of Life Sciences, Banaras Hindu University (DBT-BHU)

    Founding Member, Research Wing, Indian Academy of Geriatrics
    Life Member, Association of Gerontology (India)
    Editorial board member, Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics

    MBBS (University Gold Medalist, BHU); MD (General Medicine, BHU)

    52 PubMed indexed publications
    Maximum single publication impact factor: 71
    h-index: 14 (Years of research- 8)
    i10 index: 17
    Peer reviewer for several journals with impact up to 51.6 

    Areas of Research Interest:
    Major interests in Geriatric Pharmacovigilance, Geriatric Neuropsychiatry
    Minor interest in infections in the elderly, real world COVID-19 vaccine research

    Funded projects as Principal Investigator:
    3 (extra-mural); 1 (intra-mural)