Prof. Pawan Kumar Godatwar





    Prof. Pawankumar Ramesh Godatwar currently works as a Professor and HOD, PG Department of Roga & Vikriti Vijnana, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur.


    • Extra Mural Research Projects: 6; 4 EMR Projects including Standardization of Non-Clinical Terminologies of Ayurveda, WHO, 2011 completed. 2 EMR Projects ongoing.
    • Major Achievements:
    • Completed WHO Diploma course in STD/ AIDS at Bangrak Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand (1 November – 28 November 2009)
    • Expert Member, Govt. of India Delegation to South Africa (13-19 September 2011)
    • Delivered Lecture “solutions offered by Ayurveda in Major Illnesses”, Ayurveda Conference, Johannesburg Country Club, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, South Africa, 15th Sep 2011
    • Participated in Colloquium on Ayurveda, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 17th Sep 2011
    • Delivered Lecture “solutions offered by Ayurveda in Major Illnesses”, Seminar on Ayurvedic, Unani and Natural Medicine at School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape, Capetown, South Africa, 19th Sep 2011
    • Recipient of MADHAVA RATNA Award, International Academy of Ayurveda, Physicians, 12th March 2012
    • Recipient of “PURUSHOTTAM SHASTRI NANAL –CHARAKA” Award, Khadivale Vaidya Research foundation, Pune, 26th December 2013
    • Recipient of BHISHAK BHUSHAN Award, Ayurveda parva, Ayurveda Mahasammelan, Nagpur, 10. 11.2017
    • Judge, Jyotishmati- National level quiz contest: Televised as 8 episodes (3 to 4 PM every Sunday from 14th December 2014) on LiveIndia news channel
    • Participated as a resource person in the International Symposium on Inflammation and Health being organized by UCF College of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA from 15th to 17th October 2015.
    • Participated as a resource person in the conference on Charaka Samhita from 18th to 21st October 2015 and delivered a keynote address on “Introduction and review of Chikitsa section of Caraka Samhita with special reference to Vājīkaraṇa adhyaya” on October 21, 2015 at 1300 Edgewater Drive, Orlando, Florida, USA by the FHED trust.
    • Editor, Peer Reviewed “Journal of Ayurveda”, NIA, Jaipur
    • Associate Editor, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (J-AIM), Elsevier
    • Member Secretary IEC, NIA Jaipur
    • Publications
      • 16 Books and Chapters
      • 54 Research Papers
    • Participated in more than 89 National and International conferences and delivered 90 Guest Lectures.
    • Organizing Secretary, 3rd World Ayurveda Congress, NIA, Jaipur, 19-21 December 2008
    • Secretary, Associated events for 5th World Ayurveda Congress at Bhopal 7-10 Dec 2012
    • Co-Chairman, Associated events for 6th World Ayurveda Congress at New Delhi 6-9 Nov 2014
    • Organizing Secretary (as Member Secretary IEC), Workshop on writing skills and Ethics in research, 27-28 Jan, 2016
    • Convener, Series of Induction workshops for AYUSH medical officers , Directorate of AYUSH, Govt. of Rajasthan, Feb-Mar 2016.
    • Chairman, Scientific Committee, 7th World Ayurveda Congress at Kolkata 2-4 Dec 2016
    • Member of Scientific Advisory group for basic sciences and Fundamental research, CCRAS
    • Member Secretary IEC, Ethics Committee meeting 16th and 17th May 2016
    • Organizing Secretary, ‘Madhukosha’ 6-day CME program for the teachers of Roga Nidana, sponsored by RAV, New Delhi, 29th August 2016  to 3rd  September 2016
    • Member, National Task force for Preparation of National Protocol for “Mission Madhumeha”, National Ayurveda Day, New Delhi 28th October 2016
    • Organizing Secretary and Chairman, Scientific Committee for Sambhasha 2017- International Conference on Role and Scope of Ayurveda in the management of Madhumeha (DM) and its complications, NIA Jaipur, 5, 6, 7 February 2017
    • Organizing Secretary, “Rugvinishay”- Terminology Workshop of Roga Nidana Subject, PG dept. of Roga Nidana , National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur from 27th February 2017 to 1st March 2017
    • Member, Vijnana Bharati; IASTAM
    • Secretay-General, 8th World Ayurveda Congress held at Ahmedabad, 14-17 Dec 2018
    • He has supervised six PhD scholars and 40 MD(Ay) scholars.